Dina "Tax-Us" Titus Has Struck Again!


Date: June 29, 2012

With this morning's Supreme Court decision, one thing has become clear: The only way to eliminate Obamacare is to elect every Republican running for the House and Senate and send Obama back to Chicago.

I am fighting to ensure that Dina "Tax-Us" Titus does not go back to Congress and find more ways to destroy our economy. Her support for Obamacare was crucial to making it law. Obama's own experts claim her vote for Obamacare could cost 800,000 more American's their jobs…and some of them may be us.

Nevada's hard working families can't afford another dip in the recovery! Will you join me in telling Dina "Tax-Us" Titus that her job-killing and debt increasing policies are not welcome in Washington?!With the end of the quarter near, your donation of $5, $25, $50 or $100 dollars would send a message that we Nevadan's won't tolerate this!

Our economy is hurting. I see it every day on the campaign trail. It was only made worse by the votes cast by Dina Titus in Washington as she blindly served as a "Rubber Stamp" for the Obama-Reid-Pelosi agenda.She voted over 95% of the time with Queen Nancy! Would you donate $9.50 right now to send a message to Dina that we don't need another rubber stamp!

Your financial support for this fight will make a huge difference! It will help elect a fiscal conservative who will fight for sensible policies that will restore our country. Your help will also force Dina to fight for this Congressional seat and not let her help elect other tax and spend liberals that would make Nancy Pelosi Speaker of the House again! Join me in our fight! Take a stand for America and please support me today!

I look forward to speaking with each of you along the campaign trail!

Thank you!

Chris Edwards
